How to Get More Likes on Instagram Posts?

Ways to Get More Likes on Instagram Post

Today we are going to dive into 30 effective strategies to get more likes on Instagram post and get more likes on Instagram personal account.

1. Post High-Quality Content

Quality content is non-negotiable. Ensure your photos and videos are high-resolution, well-lit, and aesthetically pleasing. High-quality visuals naturally attract more likes. For example, a well-edited photo of a beautifully plated dish with natural lighting is more likely to receive likes than a poorly lit, blurry image.


  • Use photo editing tools like Lightroom or VSCO to enhance your images.
  • Invest in a good camera or smartphone with a high-quality camera.
  • Use natural lighting whenever possible, and avoid harsh artificial lights.


Read More: How to Increase Instagram Reels Likes?


get more likes on Instagram post

2. Use Relevant Hashtags

Incorporate popular and relevant hashtags in your posts. This increases visibility and helps you get more likes on Instagram post by reaching a broader audience. Research trending hashtags in your niche and use a mix of popular and niche-specific tags.


  • Use tools like Hashtagify or Instagram’s search function to find trending hashtags.
  • Combine broad and specific hashtags to reach different audience segments.
  • Avoid using banned or overly generic hashtags that might reduce your reach.

3. Buy Likes

Purchasing likes from reputable services like Followeran can give your posts an immediate boost. This strategy can help new posts gain traction quickly and improve your account’s credibility, encouraging organic likes. However, it’s crucial to buy from trustworthy providers to avoid fake engagement that could harm your account.


  • Choose a reputable provider like Followeran for authentic likes.
  • Use purchased likes to kickstart engagement on new posts.
  • Complement purchased likes with organic engagement strategies.

To enhance your social proof and grow your presence on Instagram, Buy Instagram Likes.

4. Engage with Your Followers

Interaction is key on social media. Respond to comments on your posts, like and comment on other users’ content, and engage with your followers through stories and direct messages. This creates a sense of community and encourages reciprocation in the form of likes.


  • Set aside time each day to respond to comments and messages.
  • Engage with your followers’ content by liking and commenting on their posts.
  • Host Q&A sessions or polls in your Instagram Stories to encourage interaction.

5. Post at Optimal Times

Analyze when your followers are most active and post during these peak times. Posting when your audience is online increases the chances of getting more likes.


  • Use Instagram Insights to determine when your followers are most active.
  • Schedule posts using tools like Buffer or Hootsuite during peak engagement times.
  • Experiment with different posting times to find what works best for your audience.

6. Leverage Instagram Stories

Use Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, polls, and updates. Stories keep your audience engaged and direct them to your latest posts, helping you get more likes on Instagram post.


  • Share daily updates or behind-the-scenes content to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use interactive features like polls, quizzes, and Q&A to encourage engagement.
  • Highlight your best Stories on your profile to keep them accessible.

7. Use Geotags

Adding a location to your posts makes them discoverable to people searching for that location, increasing the likelihood of getting more likes.


  • Tag specific locations relevant to your post, such as a popular restaurant or landmark.
  • Use broader location tags like cities or neighborhoods to reach a larger audience.
  • Combine location tags with local hashtags to maximize reach.

8. Run Contests and Giveaways

Host like-to-enter contests or giveaways. These promotions encourage interaction and significantly boost your likes.


  • Clearly outline the rules and entry requirements in your post.
  • Use an eye-catching image or video to promote the contest.
  • Collaborate with other brands or influencers to reach a wider audience.

9. Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with influencers who can share your content with their followers. Influencer collaborations expose your posts to a wider audience, increasing likes.


  • Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic.
  • Create authentic, engaging content that both you and the influencer can share.
  • Track the performance of influencer posts to gauge effectiveness.

10. Create Engaging Captions

Craft interesting and engaging captions. Ask questions, share stories, or provide insights to prompt your followers to interact with your posts.


  • Use storytelling to create a narrative around your post.
  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage comments and engagement.
  • Use emojis and line breaks to make captions visually appealing.

11. Utilize User-Generated Content

Encourage your followers to create content related to your brand and share it on your profile. User-generated content builds community and enhances engagement.


  • Create a branded hashtag and encourage your followers to use it.
  • Share the best user-generated content on your profile and give credit to the creators.
  • Run campaigns or challenges that encourage followers to create and share content.

12. Post Regularly

Maintain a consistent posting schedule. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and increase your chances of getting more likes.

get more likes on Instagram post


  • Create a content calendar to plan your posts in advance.
  • Use scheduling tools to maintain consistency even when you’re busy.
  • Monitor your post frequency to ensure you’re not overwhelming your audience.

13. Share High-Engagement Content Types

Diversify your content with videos, carousels, and Reels. These content types often generate higher engagement and can help you get more likes on Instagram personal account.


  • Experiment with different content formats to see what resonates with your audience.
  • Use Reels to create short, engaging videos that showcase your personality or brand.
  • Create carousel posts to share multiple images or tell a story in a single post.

14. Host Instagram Live Sessions

Go live on Instagram to interact with your followers in real-time. Live sessions boost engagement and draw attention to your profile and posts.


  • Plan your live sessions in advance and promote them to your audience.
  • Engage with viewers by answering questions and responding to comments in real-time.
  • Save your live sessions and share them on your profile for those who missed it.

15. Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Share your Instagram posts on other social media platforms to drive traffic and increase likes.


  • Promote your Instagram posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.
  • Use platforms like YouTube or TikTok to create content that drives followers to your Instagram.
  • Include links to your Instagram profile in your email signature and website.

16. Use Memes and Trends

Incorporate popular memes and trends relevant to your niche. Trendy content can go viral and attract more likes.


  • Stay updated on current trends and memes relevant to your audience.
  • Create original memes or adapt existing ones to fit your brand’s voice.
  • Use humor and relatability to engage your audience and encourage shares.

17. Post Behind-the-Scenes Content

Give your followers a peek behind the curtain. Sharing the process behind your content or products makes your posts more relatable and engaging.


  • Share photos or videos of your workspace, team, or production process.
  • Highlight the people behind your brand to create a personal connection.
  • Use behind-the-scenes content to tell a story and build anticipation for new products.

18. Tag Relevant Accounts

Tag brands, influencers, and other relevant accounts in your posts. Tagged accounts may engage with and share your content, increasing your likes.


  • Tag collaborators, partners, or featured products in your posts.
  • Use tags to acknowledge influencers or brands who inspire you.
  • Avoid over-tagging or tagging irrelevant accounts to prevent being seen as spammy.

19. Add Call-to-Actions

Encourage your followers to like your posts with clear call-to-actions. Simple prompts like “Double-tap if you agree!” can boost engagement.


  • Include a call-to-action in your captions to prompt followers to like or comment.
  • Use visual cues like arrows or emojis to draw attention to your call-to-action.
  • Experiment with different types of calls-to-action to see what resonates best.

20. Analyze and Adapt

Regularly review your Instagram analytics to understand what types of content perform best. Use these insights to refine your strategy and consistently get more likes on Instagram post.


  • Monitor metrics like likes, comments, and shares to gauge engagement.
  • Identify trends in your top-performing posts and replicate their success.
  • Adjust your content strategy based on insights from your analytics.

get more likes on Instagram post

21. Leverage Instagram Ads

Investing in Instagram ads can boost your visibility and engagement. Ads can target specific demographics, increasing the chances of getting more likes on your posts.


  • Use Instagram’s ad targeting options to reach your ideal audience.
  • Create visually appealing and engaging ad content.
  • Monitor ad performance and adjust your strategy as needed.

22. Host Takeovers

Allow an influencer or a team member to take over your Instagram account for a day. This can introduce your account to a new audience and increase engagement.


  • Choose someone relevant to your brand and audience.
  • Promote the takeover in advance to generate excitement.
  • Encourage the takeover host to interact with your followers.

23. Utilize Instagram Highlights

Organize your Stories into Highlights on your profile. This keeps important content accessible and encourages new followers to engage with your past Stories.


  • Create Highlights for different themes or campaigns.
  • Use custom Highlight covers to make your profile visually appealing.
  • Regularly update your Highlights to keep them relevant.

24. Share User Reviews and Testimonials

Posting user reviews and testimonials can build trust and encourage engagement. Positive feedback from real users can## 24. Share User Reviews and Testimonials Posting user reviews and testimonials can build trust and encourage engagement. Positive feedback from real users can persuade potential followers to like and follow your account.


  • Create visually appealing graphics featuring user reviews.
  • Share video testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Highlight these reviews in your Stories and save them to a Highlight.

25. Optimize Your Bio

A well-crafted bio can attract followers and encourage engagement. Make sure your bio clearly communicates who you are and what you offer.


  • Use a clear and compelling call-to-action in your bio.
  • Include relevant keywords to help people find your profile.
  • Add a link to your latest content or a landing page.

Find out more about how to write a great bio with our guide to short Instagram bio ideas that will make your profile stand out and attract more followers!

26. Use Instagram Analytics

Regularly review your Instagram analytics to understand what types of content perform best. Use these insights to refine your strategy and consistently get more likes on Instagram post.


  • Monitor metrics like likes, comments, and shares to gauge engagement.
  • Identify trends in your top-performing posts and replicate their success.
  • Adjust your content strategy based on insights from your analytics.

27. Create Seasonal and Topical Content

Posting content that aligns with current events, holidays, or trends can increase engagement. Seasonal content is often more relatable and timely, making it more likely to get likes.


  • Plan content around major holidays and events.
  • Use current trends and hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Create themed posts that align with the season or event.

28. Use Consistent Branding

Consistent branding helps create a recognizable and professional image, making your posts more appealing and likely to be liked.


  • Use a consistent color palette, filters, and style across all posts.
  • Incorporate your logo and brand elements into your images.
  • Maintain a cohesive theme to make your profile visually appealing.

29. Interact with Similar Accounts

Engaging with similar accounts can help increase your visibility and attract new followers who are likely to engage with your content.


  • Like and comment on posts from similar accounts in your niche.
  • Follow relevant accounts and engage with their content.
  • Participate in community events and challenges to build relationships.

30. Use Creative Visuals

Experiment with different types of visual content to keep your audience engaged and interested.


  • Use animations, GIFs, and illustrations to make your posts stand out.
  • Experiment with different post formats, like infographics and quote images.
  • Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and interesting.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively get more likes on Instagram personal account and build a more engaged following. Consistent effort and strategic planning are key to thriving on Instagram.

FAQs about Ways to Get More Likes on Instagram Post

1. How can I get more likes on my Instagram posts?

To get more likes on Instagram post, focus on creating high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, engaging with your followers, and posting at optimal times. Additionally, leveraging Instagram Stories, running contests, and collaborating with influencers can significantly boost your engagement.

2. How do I get more likes on my personal Instagram account?

To get more likes on Instagram personal account, ensure your posts are visually appealing, interact with your followers regularly, and use engaging captions. Sharing user-generated content, optimizing your bio, and using Instagram’s various features like Stories and Reels can also help increase your likes.

What We Review on Ways to Get More Likes on Instagram Post

By implementing these 30 proven strategies, you can effectively get more likes on Instagram post and get more likes on Instagram personal account. Consistent effort, high-quality content, and strategic engagement are key to boosting your Instagram presence and achieving greater success.

Hannah is a digital marketing expert who loves graphic design. She enjoys learning new things and combines smart marketing ideas with creative design to help brands succeed.