15 Ways to Increase Followers in Shopee

Ways to Increase Followers in Shopee

Shopee, a bustling marketplace for small and medium-sized enterprises, has grown in popularity as an e-commerce platform. With a staggering 343 million monthly visitors, it’s become increasingly important for businesses to establish a strong presence on the platform. This article aims to guide you through various strategies to increase followers in Shopee and enhance your store’s visibility.

 increase followers in Shopee

1. Decorate Your Shop Page

To decorate your shop page, start by choosing a theme that aligns with your brand’s image. Use high-quality images for your shop’s banner and logo. Make sure your shop’s description is engaging and informative, highlighting what makes your shop unique. You can also categorize your products into different collections to make it easier for shoppers to browse your shop. Regularly updating your shop page with new products and promotions can also help keep your followers engaged and attract new ones. Keep in mind, that a well-decorated shop page not only attracts more followers but also helps to convert them into customers. So, invest time in decorating your shop page to increase followers in Shopee


2. Craft High-Quality Content for Each Product

Crafting high-quality content for each product is a key strategy to increase followers in Shopee. The quality of your product listings directly influences the perception of your store and products. High-quality content not only attracts more followers but also improves the overall shopping experience, leading to higher conversion rates.

To craft high-quality content, start with a clear and concise product title. The title should accurately describe the product and include relevant keywords. This helps potential customers find your product when they search on Shopee.

Next, use high-resolution images and videos to showcase your products. Visuals play a crucial role in online shopping as they are the only way customers can assess the product. Make sure your images accurately represent the product. If possible, include images from different angles and videos that demonstrate the product in use.

 increase followers in Shopee

3. Utilize Bump Features

The Bump feature is a paid service offered by Shopee that temporarily boosts your product listings to the top of the search results, thereby increasing their visibility. When you use the Bump feature, your products are more likely to be seen by potential customers who are searching for related items. This increased visibility can lead to more views, more likes, and ultimately, more followers for your Shopee store.

To use the Bump feature, you need to have Shopee Coins, which can be purchased or earned through various activities on Shopee. Once you have enough coins, you can choose which products to bump. It’s best to choose your most popular or unique products to attract the most attention.


4. Engage with Customers

Engaging with customers is important to maintain an active presence in your Shopee store and interact with your customers regularly. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, comments, and feedback. This not only shows that you value your customers’ opinions, but it also builds trust and fosters a sense of community around your store. Providing excellent customer service can turn casual browsers into loyal followers and even advocates for your store. Consider every interaction as an opportunity to impress your customers and increase followers in Shopee


5. Follow Other Shoppers

Following other shoppers works on the principle of reciprocity. When you follow other shoppers, especially those who are interested in products similar to yours, they are likely to check out your store and potentially follow you back. This strategy can help you gain followers in Shopee who are genuinely interested in your products. On the other hand, it’s important to be selective and follow shoppers who are active and engage with the Shopee community. Here the goal is not just to increase the number of followers, but to build a community of engaged and loyal customers. 

 increase followers in Shopee


6. Live Streaming

Shopee Live is a feature that allows sellers to interact with their customers in real-time. During a live stream, you can showcase your products, demonstrate how they work, and answer any questions that viewers might have. This both helps to build trust with your audience and allows you to highlight the unique features of your products that might not be fully captured in photos or descriptions.

Moreover, live streaming can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. You can offer special deals or discounts that are only available during the live stream, encouraging viewers to follow your store and make a purchase. Regular live streams can help you connect with your audience, keep them engaged, and ultimately increase followers in Shopee


7. Use Shopee Events

Shopee regularly hosts various events such as flash sales, themed campaigns, and shopping festivals. These events attract a large number of shoppers looking for deals and new products. By participating in these events, you can showcase your products to a wider audience and boost your shopee sales. Additionally, offering special discounts or exclusive products during these events can incentivize shoppers to follow your store and stay updated on your future offerings. Make sure your store is well-stocked and ready to handle the increased traffic during these events. 


8. Set Follow Prize

A follow prize is a reward that you offer to users when they follow your store. This could be a discount, a freebie, or any other type of reward that would appeal to your target audience. The prospect of receiving a reward incentivizes users to follow your store, thereby increasing your follower count. It’s important to promote your follow prize effectively – highlight it on your shop page and product listings, and announce it on your social media platforms.


9. Promote Your Shop on Other Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have millions of active users who could be potential customers. By sharing your Shopee store link on these platforms, you can drive traffic from your social media accounts to your Shopee store.

Start by creating engaging posts about your products and promotions. Use high-quality images and compelling captions to attract attention. You can also use hashtags related to your products to increase the visibility of your posts. Don’t forget to include a call-to-action in your posts, encouraging your social media followers to visit your Shopee store and follow you there.

Then, you can leverage the advertising features on these platforms to reach a wider audience. For example, you can use Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to target users who are likely to be interested in your products.


10. Add Your Shopee Shop Link to Your Social Media Bios

Your social media profiles are a great place to promote your Shopee store. By adding your Shopee shop link to your bios on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can direct your social media followers to your Shopee store. This not only increases the visibility of your store but also makes it easier for potential customers to find and follow your Shopee store. Anyway, every follower is a potential customer, so don’t miss out on this easy opportunity to grow your follower base.

 increase followers in Shopee

11. Use the ‘Shop Now’ Button on Your Facebook Page

This feature allows you to add a call-to-action button at the top of your Facebook page, directing your Facebook followers to your Shopee store. When a user clicks on the ‘Shop Now’ button, they are taken directly to your Shopee store, making it easier for them to browse and purchase your products. This feature drives traffic from your Facebook page to your Shopee store and increases the visibility and accessibility of your store, potentially leading to an increase in followers. The easier it is for potential customers to find and access your store, the more likely they are to follow your store and make a purchase. 


12. Offer Excellent Customer Service

Offering excellent customer service involves responding promptly to customer inquiries, resolving issues quickly, and going the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. When you provide excellent customer service, you retain your existing followers and attract new ones. Customers appreciate sellers who are responsive, helpful, and respectful. When customers have a positive experience with your store, they are more likely to follow your store.

Besides, excellent customer service can set you apart from other sellers on Shopee. In a crowded marketplace, providing superior customer service can give you a competitive edge and help you build a loyal following.


13. Provide Accurate Pricing Information

Customers value transparency and want to know exactly what they’re paying for. Ensure that the listed price for each product reflects the current selling price and that any additional costs such as shipping fees or taxes are clearly stated in the product description. If you offer discounts or promotions, clearly state both the original and discounted prices. Misleading or inaccurate pricing information can lead to negative reviews and loss of trust, while transparent and accurate pricing can enhance your store’s reputation and attract more followers. 


14. Use High-Quality Images and Videos

Visual content plays a crucial role in online shopping as it’s the primary way to Shopee requirements for seller. Ensure that your images are clear, and well-lit, and showcase your product from various angles. Videos can be particularly effective for demonstrating how a product works or showing it in use. High-quality visual content attracts more followers and improves the overall shopping experience, leading to higher conversion rates. 


15. Buy Shopee Followers

Purchasing Shopee followers can create a snowball effect, significantly boosting your account’s visibility and attractiveness. When potential customers see a large follower count, they are more likely to perceive your store as popular and trustworthy, which can encourage them to follow and purchase from you. This initial boost in followers enhances your store’s credibility and visibility in Shopee’s search and recommendation algorithms, leading to organic growth as more real users are attracted to your account. This strategy can kickstart your journey to becoming a top seller on Shopee.

So don’t hesitate to boost your Shopee store’s credibility and attract more customers by buying Shopee followers from Followeran.

FAQs About Increase Followers in Shopee

How can I use high-quality images and videos to increase followers in Shopee? 

High-quality images and videos enhance your product listings, making them more appealing to potential followers. This not only attracts more followers but also improves the overall shopping experience, leading to higher conversion rates.

What is the importance of a compelling shop description in gaining followers in Shopee? 

A compelling shop description highlights your shop’s uniqueness, attracts shoppers, and encourages them to follow your shop. It’s your opportunity to tell potential followers what your shop is all about.

How can I use the ‘Shop Now’ button on my Facebook page to boost followers on Shopee? 

The ‘Shop Now’ button on your Facebook page directs your Facebook followers to your Shopee store. This not only drives traffic from your Facebook page to your Shopee store but also increases the visibility and accessibility of your store.

How does providing accurate pricing information help in increasing followers in Shopee? 

Providing accurate pricing information helps potential buyers make informed decisions and builds trust in your store. Transparent and accurate pricing information can enhance your store’s reputation and attract more followers.


What We Review on Increase Followers in Shopee

Increasing followers on Shopee involves a combination of strategies that focus on enhancing your store’s visibility and building a strong relationship with your customers. From creating high-quality content and engaging with customers to utilizing Shopee’s features and promoting your store on other platforms, each strategy plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining followers. Consider that the key to success on Shopee is consistency, quality, and excellent customer service. Implement these strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to growing your follower base on Shopee. 

Hannah is a digital marketing expert who loves graphic design. She enjoys learning new things and combines smart marketing ideas with creative design to help brands succeed.